Well besides the fact that I have a bad head :( I thought I should at least come and do my blog for the day ;D I could never let anybody down who reads my blog, that would be.....horror! ;3
Today.....Well I finally got my EMA and for people who don't know what EMA is....In the UK when you go to college and your parents earn only so much money, then for every week you go in, you get paid 30 or less....depending on how much your family earns....So yeah....I crossed my fingers while typing my PIN number in....:3 and IT CAME UP! not all of it obviously....the jammy gits obviously didn't decide to pay it all yet....so either tomorrow or so I shall have an extra 60 to add to my moneys ;3 omnomnomnom! Money is life! End of....
With my first bit of EMA I went to a game shop.....because I'm a proper hardcore gamer ;3 nah I do a fair bit of Assassins Creed and such....But yeah see I have a system.....because when a game comes out...its usually around what? 45-50 quid? something like that anyways.....and I just think well whats the point in buying it now....when I can wait til its really cheap and THEN buy it ;3 see its a cool system that is! And yes I know its old and I have played it before...just not got the achievements on it yet. In the end I couldn't believe it as I got Halo for less that a tenner! now I must say ;D my system works!
Now personally I love Halo.....Its just always been my game of choice, But I will admit after a while you do wish the war would end.....I mean cant you just nuke the Covenant and be done with it all?! D:
The Covenant! :3 |
Anyway I promised a long blog so that's what I'll do...Today with me being so giddy about the EMA coming through, my legs were so tired when I got in....I mean literally....I fell on my bed and wished I could of fallen asleep :( but sadly....I guess I'm not that lucky :(.....I think I'm doing quite well in college....Although one of the teachers said I look like a nerd....I was shocked.....I literally stood up and said....'screw you, your like a short bearded gandalf!' and he just laughed ;D that's one of the best things about college, you can swear and the teachers don't really give a crap what you say :3
Yup obviously Gandalf is my teacher! There is no doubt about it! smaller white beard...looks kind of like a guy who should be smoking a cigar....Don't ask me how I came to that assumption xD He just has one of those faces ;D
Gr this headache really is doing my err.....head in! -.- and even worse tomorrow I'm doing 9-4......Jesus!......But good thing...I get a 5 day weekend! so its all good :) hopefully the rest of my EMA is in tomorrow....Then I can go buy some Vans Graffiti ;3 oft now I have a love for Vans.....& Converse....Its just my shoe of choice ^-^ and Element.....I should really stop explaining what I like xD
I thought about my past experiences today and one of them really was embedded in my mind for a while.....Its quite embarrassing but hey what the hell, Its blogging ;D....One time when I was in High School....(this is back when I had proper short hair by the way) and anyways I was just randomly standing there....like I do and then....HOLY CRAP! a bit massive bird....looked like the albatross off one of The Rescuers films....xD but yeah! and it takes a massive crap....and I can see it flying through the air.....and I wish I hadn't done this next part -.- I swing my bag...acting proper Matrixy (wow what a cool word! ;3) and the bird crap went all over my bag.....GRIM! believe me.....just proper not fair....D: and I'm stuck with a big white crap stain on my bag.....But gladly it wasn't like this guy's car ;D
Goodnight anyways my blogging stalkers ;D I shall write another tomorrow.....Love for JamJam & Immy :) <3 Peace! and keep on trollin' ;D
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