Sunday, September 26, 2010

Digging Up Memories...

So finally I got back on my computer without the family overtaking it!, but where was I.....ohh yes, when you were young....we've all been young once....back when you thought it was cool to have the biggest collection of pokemon cards and pretend you were a pokemon trainer....those were the days!

I found another card though while I was rummaging around under my bed...

Ancient Mew! <3

Don't ask why I put the caption in pink....I thought it was fit for the picture, considering the fact that the whole card is pink xD but back on track AGAIN!...darn! I really do go on, but I guess its a good thing because thats what bloggers are meant for.

For the past few days Ive been wondering if..maybe things would be better if I went to go and live with my dad, I mean he's an okay guy...but everybody has a past they'd like to forget right?

With the arguements I constantly have with my family sometimes I think it would be better....but Im not going to bore you all....that is if anybody even reads my blogs to come...But anyway Im off to draw some more...last time I did get a chance to draw I ended up doing something as amazing as this...

I was very surprised how I managed to pull it off...but I wasnt really in the mood to ask my....talent? how I drew such a thing. My friends from the town of Chester say that I should attempt to draw every Im one to take a challenge...but EVERY pokemon?! thats like signing your own death sentence...I wonder if it could be done though....

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